sunnuntai 3. huhtikuuta 2016

Munasarjojen monirakkulaoireyhtymä (PCOS) ja sen luonnollinen hoito!

PCOS Awareness: Essential Oils for PCOS

Even though essential oils seem to be all the rage these days, I only started learning about them when I was pregnant with Bonnie. And I did not start using them regularly until the end of my pregnancy and after she was born. While I was pregnant I did lots of research on essential oils for newborns, babies, and children. When I was so ready for Bonnie to get here, I did research on using essential oils to help induce labor, and of course, using essential oils during labor and delivery. But I did not think about researching the use of essential oils for PCOS until after Bonnie was born.
Someone asked me recently if I know much about the use of essential oils for infertility, so even though I’m still wrapping my head around it, and don’t quite understand the ins and outs of using oils for PCOS, I thought I’d share what little bit I have learned! If you have additional question, or want more information, just click on the resource links at the bottom of this post. I have a feeling the women who wrote the original articles/posts know much more than I do! (:
It’s important to note that, if you are going to use essential oils for healing purposes, they need to be medicinal rather than synthetic. Synthetic oils cost less, but they do not have medicinal qualities.
Lavender- used for stress relief and relaxation
Geranium- used for hormone normalization and as an antidepressant
Use a combination of these two oils to create a detox bath: 
  • 2 C. Epsom salt (helpful because the magnesium it contains absorbs through the skin, which can create a calming effect)
  • 1.2 c. baking soda
  • 10 drops lavender
  • 5 drops geranium
When used properly, lavender and geranium can also be used to aid in fertility. Simply combine the following oils in 4 ounces of a carrier oil (such as Vitamin E oil, for example) and rub them on your tummy for a fertility blend: 
  • 10 drops Clary Sage (uterine tonic)
  • 10 drops Sweet Fennel (regulate menstrual cycle; may help reduce hormone fluctuation)
  • 7 drops Geranium (uterine and ovarian tonic)
  • 3 drops Lavender (circulatory stimulant)
  • 3 drops Rose (relaxes the uterus)
Along with infertility, hair loss is also something that many women with PCOS struggle with. If this is you, I highly recommend THIS BLOG. But for now, here is anessential oil blend for hair loss: 
  • 3 drops Thyme
  • 3 drops Lavender
  • 3 drops Rosemary
  • 3 drops Sage
  • 3 drops Cedarwood
  • 1/8 c. grapeseed oil
  • 1/8 c. jojoba oil
In addition to the oils listed above, I’ve read that frankincense can be used for the treatment of, or prevention of, fibroid cysts. Frankincense can also help balance the endocrine system. It’s easy to use too! Just put two or three drops under your tongue every morning and night.
I have also seen this Progessence Plus Serum floating around the internet lately, and am completely intrigued after reading a few testimonials. Apparently, this is a serum derived from wild yams, combined with Vitamin E, frankincense, bergamot, and peppermint essential oils, to help balance and improve progesterone levels in the body.
According to this post,  everyone with PCOS should use Progessence Plus, along with EndoFlex, and Ocotea. 
EndoFlex is a blend of essential oil blend that helps balance and nourish the endocrine system. It contains geranium, spearmint, sage, myrtle, nutmeg, and German chamomile.
Ocotea can help stabilize insulin levels. This particular blend sounds incredible when it comes to leveling blood sugar.
Bear in mind that I’ve not tried all of these oils and blends myself yet, so I don’t have any experience with how well they do or do not work. But I say, anything is worth a shot!
*** Several Young Living experts have told me that essential oils should not be purchased through Amazon, but through YL distributors. I’ve never had an issue with oils purchased through Amazon, but figure I’d better throw this disclaimer in here somewhere!


sunnuntai 20. maaliskuuta 2016

Kuukautiskierron 4 vuodenaikaa

La Sabiduría Oculta de Nuestro Útero


En nuestro interior hay una fuerza invisible, una energía que nos mece, nos acompaña, nos invita a danzar, a movernos y sobretodo a conocer partes de nosotras que descansan ocultas … EL CICLO MENSTRUAL.
Hay muchas mujeres que morirán sin conocer que tienen un Tesoro, una Maravilla que les otorga poderes y muchísima sabiduría acerca de ellas mismas y del mundo donde habitan.
Viven a ciegas, evitando saber, olvidándose de conocer.
… Y se van dando golpes, y más golpes, contra ellas mismas, contra el mundo, contra sus parejas, sus trabajos, algo está mal en ellas, ¿Por que a mí? se preguntan…
Como una mariposa que quiere salir de su capullo ha llegado el momento de conocer nuestra naturaleza femenina y vivir nuestra vida cíclica, una vida conectada con las fuerzas más antiguas de la naturaleza, de nuestro cuerpo y del mundo.


primaveraLa Fase PreOvulatoria, LA PRIMAVERA.
¡Soy pura energía y vitalidad!
Me siento renovada, con ganas de hacer mil cosas,
directa, decidida, extrovertida, …
Como un brote yendo hacia el sol,
llena de fuerza, yo puedo, ¡YO SOY!
veranoLa Fase Ovulatoria, EL VERANO.
Me siento completa, fértil, tranquila, empática.
Disfruto de compartir lo que soy y lo que tengo.
Como un manzano entrega sus frutos
yo me entrego a la vida.

otoñoLa Fase PreMenstrual, EL OTOÑO.
Me siento sensible, es hora de recogerme,
de ir poco a poco hacía mi interior, hacía mi cueva.
Reflexiono sobre mí, sobre la vida, sobre el mundo.
Empiezo a ver lo oculto a los ojos, lo que no se ve.
Ahora veo con los ojos del útero
y puedo conocer la oscuridad.
inviernoLa Fase Menstrual, EL INVIERNO.
Estoy tranquila, en paz, serena.
Respeto mi baja energía y descanso.
Sueño, me conecto con lo más profundo de mi ser.
Como una semilla, como una estrella,
latiendo despacio y brillando internamente.
Existo sólo para mí, sólo para mí, sólo para mí.
Y Esto es sólo el principio, hay más, muchísimo más por conocer de cada fase, de cada fase menstrual, de esta danza ancestral femenina… recuerda… escucha …. para y siente….
Las Mujeres necesitamos recordar, necesitamos vivir conectadas con nuestra naturaleza cíclica y compartirlo, con otras mujeres, con nuestras hijas, con nuestras parejas, con todo el mundo. Las Mujeres somos la mitad del planeta o más y ya es hora de que se respeten nuestros cambios, nuestros ciclos y que se reconozcan y valoren nuestros dones.
El tesoro de Lilith no es solamente un cuento para recordar esta sabiduría interna perdida, es una REVOLUCIÓN ANCESTRAL de conexión con la naturaleza y la esencia que habita en nuestro interior. Una semilla que ha emergido para que recuperemos nuestro saber, nuestro poder y sobretodo nuestra capacidad de intuir.
¡Que corra la sangre!
Solamente la de nuestros úteros,
solamente una vez al mes,
plácidamente, hacia el suelo, creando raíces,
llegando hasta el centro de la tierra,
para conectarme,
para renovarme.
¡Que corra la voz!


sunnuntai 14. helmikuuta 2016

Intimacy and emotional intimacy

"Intimacy is often times mistaken as physical closeness alone: hugging, cuddling, kissing, sex. However, if there is no emotional intimacy (as in emotional relating) and a feeling of safety in a relationship, then physical intimacy can only go that far. In order to truly open up to a partner and go deep we need to feel safe and be able to share emotional intimacy, our fears, mistakes, and pains and receive each other with compassion and empathy. For many people physical intimacy comes easier than emotional intimacy. For others it is the other way around. Often times people avoid emotional intimacy by focusing on physical intimacy, using sex to buffer up their vulnerability.
In order to be emotionally intimate with a partner we need to be able to be intimate with ourselves, feeling our vulnerability without judgment and developing healthy self-love. If we are not comfortable with our own vulnerability, we cannot receive the vulnerability of another person fully and emotional intimacy is blocked. No matter how hot the sex and how great physical intimacy is, if we don't develop or have emotional intimacy and the safety to express ourselves that way, a relationship can go only so far.
We need safety and healthy boundaries in order to establish intimacy on all levels. This safety is more than just feeling "secure" and boundaries don't mean rejection or avoidance. It is about taking care of ourselves. Our body gives us constantly clues about what is safe for us and what is not. The more we are in touch with our bodies, the more we can receive these messages which also puts us in touch with our vulnerability. It's important to listen to these bodily sensations which go deeper than just sexual feelings. Most often they are buried under layers of "armor". It's easy to rationalize these deeper sensations away, judging ourselves for not opening up when it doesn't feel safe. Don't listen to the mind, trust your body and don't judge yourself for however you feel.
Emotional intimacy goes hand in hand with trust, knowing that we can be completely ourselves with all our vulnerability and always be received with compassion and empathy in a safe container by a partner. But before we can receive another person like that ourselves, or even express ourselves that way, we must be able to be compassionate with ourselves and love ourselves, the dark and light, neither inflating or diminishing ourselves.
Otherwise we will keep looking for the illusory partner, who never comes and whom we want to be a certain way, when in fact this is what we need to give to ourselves first. Sometimes we're looking for a "saviour" in a partner unconsciously but it is a projection of what we have denied or avoided to give ourselves: healthy self-love, vulnerability and inner safety, being comfortable just being with ourselves. Before we can develop deeper trust with a partner, we need to be able to trust ourselves and the deeper clues our bodies are giving us."
~ Bernhard Guenther